Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some CRAZY days!

Well, in the last few days we have all had some treats... other than Christmas parties.

Last Tuesday we all got a day off because the road were horrendous! That was a wonderful breat. I love the kids, but my house was seriously neglected. Since I wasn't going to get out in that mess, I was kind of forced to clean the house. Good thing too, because on Monday, Dec. 22 we came to the daycare in 13 degree temps with NO power. Well, we sure couldn't leave the door open with those kind of temps. There isn't any windows in the main room (yea, most of the time I don't like that either). So, off to my house we ALL went! We headed to my house for a day of... fun! It actually went well. The kids behaved pretty well and surprisingly enough... most took at least a one hour nap.

Most of the kids were extremely excited because they have never been to my house before and others hadn't been there in over 2 years. We all had a good time. The older girls got to watch ICarly during nap time... we don't have cable at the daycare. Then in the afternoon... Disney Sing It on the Wii. Boy was that a treat! Of course if I hear "Best of Both Worlds" again, I may scream.

So, amongst all of the Christmas presents and surprises, they got another nice treat by spending the day at my house! And of course I got some laundry cleaned too. ;) (Now, keep in mind, I didn't say folded, nor put away. It is clean and dry though!)

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