Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 3 (September 22-26)

Week 3 brought us the story of Abraham. We learned that Abraham obeyed God by gathering up his animals and family to move far away. Then Abraham let Lot have the best grass because Lot was selfish. When he did so, God gave him the best for his animals because he was NOT selfish. Then God told Abraham to count the stars. Abraham said that he could not because there were too many. God said he would give Abraham a child, then grandchildren and great grand children. Soon there would be so many children that we would not be able to count them, just as the stars. Then when Abraham and his wife Sara were very old, God sent them a son, whom they named Isaac. One day God tested Abraham's love for Him by asking Abraham to take his son, Isaac, to kill him. When Abraham was going to obey God, God told him no, don't kill him, kill the ram! God saved Isaac because He knew Abraham's love for Him.

Our devotional:

C is for crying. It hurts when you fall but please don't cry about nothing at all. (From: "Big Thoughts for Little People" author Kenneth Taylor)

Bible Verse: A cheerful heart does good like medicine. Proverbs 17:22

The letter of the week is Cc (uppercase C and lowercase c). Cathy Cook helped us out with the letter Cc.

Cathy Cook
(tune: "The Farmer in the Dell")
Good morning, Cathy Cook.
Make something good for me.
There are lots of yummy things
That start with letter "Cc":
Cookies, candy canes,
cupcakes and a drink.
Carrots, corn, and cauliflower
always make me think.
The End
The color of the week was Yellow.
(tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It")
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Like the early morning sun,
when the day has just begun,
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Daffodils and baby ducks are yellow.
Lemonade and scrambled eggs are yellow.
I like the smiley face that's yellow.
He's such a happy fellow.
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Then End
The shape of the week was Triangle. Trixie Triangle helped us identify triangles.
(tune: "Are You Sleeping")
Trixie Triangle, Trixie Triangle
Has three sides, has three sides.
She says yield, but don't stop!
See her on the rooftop.
Count her sides.
Trixie Triangle, Trixie Triangle
Has three sides, has three sides.
See her on the boat sail.
And upon the dragon tail.
Count her sides.
The End
Also this week we practiced our number 2.

Number Two (Sing & Write)

(tune: "Mulberry Bush")

Curve around, slant down and slide across

to make the number TWO.

For cooking class we made chocolate cookies! They had a blast making cookies with Ms. Jennifer. Then of course they made a nice mess eating those cookies. But see, the word "clean" also starts with the letter Cc. So, cleaning turned into a Cc lesson as well. :)

Of course we went on treasure hunts, wore our yellow on Wednesday and played lots of games... "I spy in our classroom", etc.

Everything around here is a learning lesson!!! We just know how to make it a fun one!!!

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