Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 4 (September 29 - October 3)

Week 4 brought us the story of Isaac and Rebekah. We learned that a man came into Rebekah's town to see if she would be Isaac's wife, because God told Abraham to find Isaac a wife. Then Rebekah and Isaac married. They had twin boys named Jacob and Esau. Then when Isaac was really old, Jacob lied to his father and pretended to be Esau. Jacob wanted the nice things that his father was going to give to Esau. Isaac told Jacob to take a long journey to another courntry to find him a wife. While on his journey Jacob dreamt about a ladder of angels that led to God, who told him many wonderful things would happen to him because God loves him. While far far away from home Jacob meets his cousin Rachel whom is tending to her father's sheep. Rachel and Jacob get married. Jacob does not return home for a long time. He stays with Rachel's family. Jacob then wrestled with an angel because he wanted him to bless him with nice things. Jacob later figured out that the angel was God. God blessed Jacob and gave him many presents. God later told Jacob to take his family and go home to his father's country. Jacob had taken something from Esau. Esau was angry with him. After Jacob returned home, Esau forgave him. God is pleased when we forgive.
Genesis 24:10 - 33:9

Our devotional for the week is D is for Doing what needs to be done. So please do it cheerfully; Then you'll have fun.

Bible verse: Do for others what you want them to do for you. Matthew 7:12

Week 4 also brought us the letter Dd (upper case D and lowercase d).

Daisy Doll helped us with things that begin with letter Dd.

Daisy Doll
(tune: "Jingle Bells")

Daisy Doll, Daisy Doll,
tell us what you see.
Name the things
around your house
that start with letter "Dd".

dogs that dig in dirt,
daddy working in the yard
in his favorite shirt.

The End

Then we studied the color brown.

(tune: "Bingo")

There is a color we all know.
Can you guess what it is?
B-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n
that's how you spell brown.

Teddy bears
and squirrels are brown.
Autumn leaves are too.

Chocolate candy's always brown.
Chocolate cake is always brown.
Chocolate milk is always brown.
I like brown, don't you?

The End

Of course we couldn't study the color brown without reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?"... one of their favorites! This time we read the story. Then we did our own version of "Brown Bear". We all put on masks and Madison (our big visitor on Monday) helped us. We LOVED it. We played it every day! We all took turns being the different animals.

With the color brown we also dug in dirt and found the autumn leaves outside. Then of course we played the same old games they love to play.... treasure hunt and "I spy". (I think those will be every week because even when we play something new, they always want to play those as well.)

The shape of the week: Rectangle

(tune: "Up on the Housetop")

Rudy the rectangle is my name.
I have four sides
That are not the same.
Two sides are short and two are long.
Can you find me hiding in this song?

Look around the room,
Now do you see?
The windows and the doors
Are shaped like me.
The chalkboard and the desk
And your books, too.
You did great, I am proud of you!

The End

This week we continued with our number 2. We practiced writing them and couting two things.

Well, this week during calender and weather, we had to change the calender. We changed to October. We talked about October and what this month brings. The weather gets cooler. We did talk about it still being autumn. The days get shorter, so it will get dark earlier.

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